the (re)public house | Brewed according to the Rheinheitsgebot Purity Law of 1516.

31 May 2009

New Post @ Anthological Prolegomena.

New Venture: Anthological Prolegomena.

I've started a new blog for posts regarding theology and the church. This site will remain for family updates and more personal writing. I will, however, update this blog with a link to the other whenever I post something. Please join me at Anthological Prolegomena. You can also follow on twitter at @aprolegomena.

30 May 2009

Good grilling yesterday.


Everything will change.

Introducing Google Wave. The way in which this world communicates is about to completely change. Email is about to be on the same playing field as VHS or 8 Tracks. Completely outdated and exposed as absolutely obsolete. Google has effectively merged global discussion and collaboration into one meeting room without conflict of time, space, or language. This is really, really big. Watch it all. I hearken you.

29 May 2009

Great Quote.

To preach and not to catechize is to build without foundation. 
Thomas Watson, Why Catechize?

21 May 2009

Life of Pi.

I recently borrowed from Eddy Life of Pi by Yan Martel. Amazing. Simply one of the best books I have ever read. It has been the most memorable book I've read since The Shack by William P. Young last year, which is an entirely different book altogether, but a narrative that was equally intoxicating to me, despite a comparatively reduced quality of writing. If you haven't read The Shack, do. Just do. Perhaps I'll blog on it one day soon, though most likely it will be later after a second reading. If you haven't read Life of Pi, stop reading this post and go to bed so that you can get up early and get to the bookstore as soon as they open in the morning to buy it. On your way, go ahead and call in sick to work and clear your evening schedule so as to devote proper time and attention to such a literary masterpiece. It is beauty in word. Grace in text. When you think you have reached the end of the journey, you find out that the world was never as you saw it along the way. Everything changes. Meaning expands. You mind is shaken and your heart trembles. It is the type of book that confesses that God loves words and graciously created certain men to write them well. This is not a review, it is an exhortation. Partake in the blessing of wonderful literature.

08 May 2009

Genius! I am so close to buying this bumper sticker.

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